TOM 1 - Biophotonics: Optical Manipulation and OCT Imaging in Life Sciences and Medicine (EOSAM 2012)

Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Scotland (UK)
25 September 2012 - 27 September 2012
Submission Timeframe: 
20 August 2012 - 26 August 2012
General Chair(s): 
  • Gert von Bally - Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / Germany
  • Johannes de Boer - VU University / The Netherlands
  • Alexander Heisterkamp - Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena / Germany
Program Committee: 
  • Samuel Chung - Boston University / United States
  • Claudia Geisler - Laser-Laboratorium Goettingen e.V. / Germany
  • Robert Huber - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (LMU) / Germany
  • Gereon Huettmann - University of Luebeck / Germany
  • Martin J. Leahy - National University of Ireland, Galway / Ireland
  • Michael Pircher - Medical University of Vienna / Austria
  • Gert von Bally - Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universität Münster / Germany
  • Johannes de Boer - VU University / The Netherlands
  • Alexander Heisterkamp - Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena / Germany


In biophotonics optical tools are employed for the understanding and treatment of diseases, from the cellular level to macroscopic applications. At the cellular level, highly precise laser applications allow the manipulation, poration or stimulation of cells, even in living organisms or animals, like for example in optogenetics. Using fusion proteins, precise imaging and, in case of channelrhodopsin, precise switching of living cells in their environment is enabled and allows a deeper understanding of cellular processes. Furthermore, optical microscopy has been revolutionized by a thorough understanding of the different markers and their switching behaviour. Marker-free microscopy, like CARS, SHG or THG-microscopy is spreading into multiple biological and clinical imaging applications. Combination with microfluidics and chip-based technologies enables high-throughput for screening or manipulation applications.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is continuously broadening its clinical applicability by even higher resolution, higher speed and more compact or fibre-based probes and the use of Doppler and polarization sensitivity for functional imaging. The combination of these OCT capabilities with (nonlinear) microscopic techniques, fluorescence and laser surgery techniques provides excellent opportunities in clinical applications. Multifunctional catheters are needed for different clinical areas to accommodate the ever increasing acquisition speeds. This Topical Meeting aims at covering several aspects from the fundamental studies at the cellular level to clinical applications of various optical technologies. 


Final Programme

The Final Programme is now online: Final Programme (pdf-file, 1.51 MB).


Plenary Speaker

  •  Susana Marcos Celestino, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - CSIC (ES)


Invited Speakers

  • Frank Gunn-Moore, St. Andrews University (GB)
  • Martin Leahy, National University of Ireland, Galway (IE)
  • Rainer Leitgeb, Medical University of Vienna (AT)
  • Hugo Murua Escobar, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (DE)
  • Francesco Pavone, European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS)



  • Optical control of cells, optogenetics
  • Photoporation
  • Biomarkers for optical techniques
  • Studies of cells and single molecules
  • Lab-on-a-chip optofluidic devices
  • Microfluidic biosensors
  • Fabrication technologies for optofluidics
  • Optical Coherence Tomography technical advances, functional OCT, catheter development
  • Optical Coherence Tomography in clinical practice, translational research
  • Optical Coherence Tomography in ophthalmology


Abstract submission

Opening of submission 2 April 2012
Deadline for abstract submission 7 May 2012
Notification to authors 8 June 2012
Abstracts can only be submitted online via Authors are requested to submit an extended abstract of a minimum of one page and a maximum of two pages with at least one figure. The abstract must be formatted according to the EOS abstract guidelines, which can be downloaded at
Contributions will be accepted for oral and poster presentation. Please indicate your preference. All accepted contributions are to be published on the EOSAM 2012 digest CD-ROM (ISBN numbered) which will be available on-site. At least one author is requested to register for the meeting separately from abstract submission. The registration includes admission to all Topical Meetings, the workshop, special events and the exhibition.

Springer Award for Students

The two best student presentations (oral and poster) will be awarded a diploma, an EOS student membership and a book sponsored by Springer.

Paper publication in JEOS:RP

Attendees of EOSAM 2012 receive a 20% discount on the publication rate for JEOS:RP (Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications). The paper submitted must be an original contribution that is connected to EOSAM 2012 and will be reviewed against JEOS:RP's regular standards for insight, quality and novelty.
JEOS:RP is a peer-reviewed open-access journal at The 2011 Impact Factor: 1.019

Paper submission deadline: 30 November 2012

Special publication fee for standard papers of EOS attendees

  • 280 € (instead of 350 €) for full EOS members
  • 320 € (instead of 400 €) for non EOS members

For further information please see:


General information about EOSAM 2012

For general information about EOSAM 2012 please see or download the Final Programme here.


Invitation Letters

If you require an invitation letter for this meeting, please fill in the invitation letter form:



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Garbsener Landstrasse 10
30419 Hannover, Germany

Phone: +49 511 2788 115
Fax: +49 511 2788 119
